Τετάρτη 26 Ιουνίου 2013


the humman body is an organism that  consists of several organ systems.For example the integumentary system(skin,hair,nails),the skeletal system,the cardiovascular system,the nervous system,the endocrine  system,the digestive system,the urinary and the reproductive system.
Each one,though very different in structure and function is indinspensable for the existance of all others and the person's survival.
Our heart's good health as presupposition for our life is a definit fact,but if our skin has serious problems and cannot protect our interior organs from external dangers like bacteria  and toxic elements, our heart and other organs are in danger also.
Therefore all systems in our bodies,though different one from the other coexist and cooperate in harmony for the benefit of every cell,every organ and the survival and good health of each one of us.  
We have come to understand that the humman organism is a reflection of the  universe and vice versa.
Life is one in all its forms.
The simplest, yet best way ,to ensure a good quality of life for the world now and for the next generations is to follow nature's, eg our body's ,example.
Every country should be able to use its goods,agriculture,minerals, oil, industry, tourism,arts,for it's benefit and for the benefit of the whole world.
The millenium when money  was the ultimate goal is over.And we've seen where it has led the whole world...
I believe that every person's and country's wish and try for power and money is a coverup to fill man's deep need for RESPECT.
Money and power cannot and do not buy respect.On the contrary they buy fear,hate and hypocricy.
You receive effortlessly respect when you respect yourself first of all,that is you live according to nature's and your soul's ethics.
And this means you respect every life's right on the planet to live and you consciously work in your work for the benefit of others, since absolutely every job is a necessity for the best possible quality of life of all people.
So let's make the new millenium the MILLENIUM OF RESPECT.
Let's respect ourselves,respect life,live naturally and happily and offer to others from our excess of love .
And belive me,those who will manage to accomplish that and use their brains and creativity for the world's happiness will be respected so much and by so many that few have ever had in the history of time.


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